Early-Bird Cameo: He actually appeared in a Playstation-only expansion for the first Red Alert.Death Is Cheap: While the core game ends with him being assassinated, Yuri's Revenge hits a Reset Button involving Time Travel.Character Tic: He's almost constantly chewing a toothpick when he appears in person.Brainwashed: When Yuri places a Psychic Beacon in Washington, D.C.He prefers swift, immediate action to deal with the current crisis, and gets frustrated with having to call for help from other nations.

With the sole surviving field commander, he ran a campaign to drive the Russians from US soil. He was ordered by President Dugan to launch a full retaliatory nuclear strike, but when the Soviets sabotaged their nuclear arsenal, he was forced to deal with the invasion conventionally. When the Soviet Union invaded the United States, General Carville was the senior officer in command of the military.